Timetable - Spring Semester 2024


Day | Time (UTC+3)  Subject  Lecturer  Location 
11:00-12:35  Russian Language - A1 (Lecture)  Dr. Olga Rozhdestvenskaya
 Lomonosovsky Bld, G 725 
15:00-16:30  English Language (Russian-speakers only)    2nd Humanities Bld, 425 or 463
10:45-12:20  Algebra (Lecture) Dr. Philipp Uvarov  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
12:30-14:05   Algebra (Seminar) Dr. Philipp Uvarov   Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
 16:45-18:20  Introduction to Supergeometry (Lecture)    
09:00-10:35  Conformal Geometry and Riemann Surfaces (Lecture)  Prof. Petr Gribevich  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
10:45-12:20  Conformal Geometry and Riemann Surfaces (Seminar)  Prof. Petr Gribevich  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
15:10-16:40  МФК (Inter-faculty cource): Artificial Intelligence in the Health and Social Sciences (for non-Russian speaking students only)    Shuvalov Bld, B-5
16:45-18:20  МФК (Inter-faculty cource)    
12:30-14:05  Symplectic Geometry and Quantization (Lecture)  Dr. Georgy Sharigyn  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 725
16:45-18:20  Symplectic Geometry and Quantization (Seminar - bi-weekly) Dr. Georgy Sharigyn  2nd Humanities Bld, room 409
10:45-12:20  Principles of QFT (Lecture)    
13:30-15:05  Batalin-Vilkovisky Quantization (Lecture)  Dr. Maxim Grigoriev  



Day | Time (UTC+3) Subject  Lecturer  Location
10:45-12:20   Philosophy (Lecture)  Prof. Vladislav Shaposhnikov  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 725
14:50-16:25  Topological QFT (Lecture)   Dr. Theodore Popelensky  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
 17:05-18:40  Introduction to Quantum Integrable Systems (elective) Dr. Andrei Zotov  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
10:45-12:20  Topology of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems (elective) (Lecture)   Prof. Andrei Oshemkov  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
14:05-15:35  Russian language - B1 Dr. Olga Rozhdestvenskaya Lomonosovsky Bld, G 725
15:00-16:35  Topology of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems (elective) (Seminar)  Prof. Andrei Oshemkov  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708
16:45-18:20  Mathematical Theory of Blcak Holes (Lecture) Prof. Sergey Solodukhin  Lomonosovsky Bld, G 708