Address: Lomonosov Building MSU, offices G-707, G-708, G-716, G-7019, G-721, G-722, G-725, G-726 (Lomonosovsky prospekt, 27/1, Moscow 119192)
Postal address: ITMP, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 938 24 17
How to reach us:
To reach the Lomonosov building of MSU, go to Universitet metro station (метро Университет) on the red line. Take the escalator exit (do not take the exit with the stairs). When you are outside the station with the main street in front of you, go left and walk (do not cross), with traffic to your right, in the direction of Moscow State University. After a 7-10 minute walk, you will reach the Lomonosov building of MSU.