Symplectic Geometry and Quantizaton
Lecturers: Grigoriev Maxim, Sharygin GeorgyAnnotation
The course gives a comprehensive introduction into the basics of symplectic geometry and quantization. These deeply interrelated subjects provide a geometrical insight into the classical and quantum description of fundamental physical systems. We begin with basic structures of symplectic geometry such as Poisson brackets, hamiltonian fields, momentum maps, Atiyah-Bott theory etc. and their properties. After this we give an introduction to the concept of quantization in general and illustrate it by standard simple examples. A particular attention is paid to the concept of symbols and deformations. We then consider Fedosov’s construction of deformation quantization of general symplectic manifolds. Finally, a more general approach of Kontsevich is presented together with the elements of general deformation theory such as Hochschild cohomology, homotopy algebras etc.
Course plan
- Symplectic structures on manifolds, Poisson brackets, Hamiltonian vector fields.
- Darboux theorem; Liouville’s integrability theory.
- Schouten-Nijenhuis brackets and Poisson structures. Weinstein theorem (analog of Darboux’s theorem). Symplectic leaves and foliations.
- Complex analytic symplectic structures, elements of Kaehler geometry.
- Symplectic group actions and momentum maps; Atiyah-Bott theorem. Examples.
- General concepts of quantization. Operator algebras and representation spaces. Canonical and Weyl quantization. Symbols of operators and star-products.
- Deformation quantization. Weyl-Moyal star-product, quantization of cotangent bundles and algebras of differential operators.
- Fedosov’s quantization and algebraic index formula.
- General deformation quantization problem for Poisson manifolds. Universal enveloping algebra as the quantization of the dual Lie algebra. Deformations of associative algebras, Hochschild complex.
- Kontsevich’s universal quantization formula, graph complex and higher homotopy structures.
- V. Arnold, Mathematical methods in classical mechanics. Springer-Verlag New York, 1989
- V. Guillemin, Sh. Sternberg, Symplectic techniques in Physics.Cambridge University Press, 1984
- L. A. Takhtajan, Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians. AMS, 2008
- A. Cannas da Silva, Lectures on symplectic geometry, Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008
- F. A. Berezin, General concept of quantization. Comm. Math. Phys. 40(2): 153-174 (1975).
- B. Fedosov, Deformation Quantization and Index Theory. Akademie-Verl., 1996
- M. Kontsevich (2003), Deformation Quantization of Poisson Manifolds, Letters of Mathematical Physics 66, pp. 157–216. arXiv:q-alg/9709040