Homological Algebra
Lecturers: Panov Taras, Popelensky Theodore, Grigoriev MaximAnnotation
A semester course introducing the basic constructions and techniques of homological algebra used in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and forming the basis of a number of geometric methods in mathematical physics.
The topics covered include chain complexes and differential graded al- gebras, quasi-isomorphisms, projective and injective modules, resolu- tions, homological dimension, Tor and Ext functors, regular sequences and Cohen–Macaulay rings, bicomplexes and filtered complexes, spec- tral sequences, A∞-morphisms.
Prerequisites: a basic course in algebra (groups, rings, modules, vector spaces), basic concepts of topology (continuous maps, homotopy).
Course plan
- Algebras and modules, chain complexes, differential graded al- gebras, homology.
- Chain homotopies, quais-isomorphisms, long exact sequences.
- Free, projective and injective modules, resolutions.
- Tor and Ext.
- Examples of resolutions: minimal resolution of graded modules, Koszul resolution, bar an cobar constructions.
- Systems of parameters, regular sequences and Cohen–Macaulay algebras.
- Projective dimension and depth of modules.
- Multiplications: Eilenberg–Zilber and Ku¨nneth theorems.
- Formality and Massey products.
- Spectral sequences of a filtered complex and bicomplex.
- A∞-morphisms, extended functoriality of Tor, the Eilenberg– Moore spectral sequence.
- Bruns, Winfried; Herzog, Ju¨rgen. Cohen–Macaulay Rings. Re- vised edition. Cambridge Studies in Adv. Math., 39, Cam- bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1993.
- Eisenbud, David. Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Al- gebraic Geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 150. Springer, New York, 1995.
- Hatcher, Allen. Algebraic Topology. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2002
- Mac Lane, Saunders. Homology. Springer, Berlin, 1963.
- Weibel, Charles. An Introduction to Homological Algebra. Cam- bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.