Lomonosov Moscow State University

The first English-taught master’s program in Mathematics opens at Lomonosov Moscow State University

The first English-taught master’s program in Mathematics opens at Lomonosov Moscow State University
13 October 2021

The joint master’s program “Geometry and Quantum Fields” was developed in 2021 by ITMP MSU and the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics  with the support of the Theoretical Physics and Mathematics Advancement Foundation “Basis”. The program is the first English-taught master’s program at MSU in the field of Mathematics.

Program directors:

The program is a 2-year master's course in mathematics and theoretical physics. The subject of the program is the physics and mathematics of fundamental interactions with the emphasis on modern developments motivated by the challenging problem of quantum gravity. The unique feature of the program is that it provides a solid mathematical  background, particularly in geometry, alongside the systematic education in quantum field theory, gravity, strings theory and holography.  The program also comprises an individual  research project supervised by leading researchers from MSU or other research institutes in Moscow.

The program is aimed at talented national and international students who want further training before taking posts in industry, teaching or research centres. The Theoretical Physics and Mathematics Advancement Foundation “BASIS” offers several means to support students of the program, including a monthly stipend and the travel grants program which is aimed at allowing students to participate in international scientific schools and research programs.

Admission for Fall semester 2022 will start on November 15, 2021. There are 15 tuition-free places allocated to this program. For more information about admission deadlines and requirements, please refer to the program webpage. 


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