Chairman of Scientific Council of ITMP, Academician of RAS Valery Rubakov was honored with Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics. This prize is one of the most prestigious awards for physicists in Germany.
Valery Rubakov is a renowned theoretical physicist, a leading scientist in quantum field theory, elementary particle and cosmology physicist. Valery Rubakov is chief researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Professor at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chairman of Scientific Council of ITMP. His participation was essential to the Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics “BASIS” in its establishment. Presently, Valery Rubakov is a member of ITMP MSU Scientific Council and he is fully engaged in its work.
Valery Rubakov was honored for work on the origin of the universe. In recent years, research teams around the world have gained important insights into the origin of the universe. They often relied on the work of Valery Rubakov. He also provided important explanatory models for the origin of matter in the universe and disappearance of antimatter and his research in this field helps to find indications for the origin of our universe and its expansion.
Research works of Valery Rubakov involve the origin of baryon asymmetry, quantum cosmology, nonperturbative quantum field theory (multiparticle processes, instanton methods), physics outside the Standard Model of elementary particles (combining interactions, models with additional spatial dimensions).
The award ceremony takes place an international theoretical physics conference in Hamburg in November, 2020.
Grateful acknowledgment is due to Valery Rubakov for his cooperation with the Institute.
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