Lomonosov Moscow State University

Postdoctoral Positions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Postdoctoral Positions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
10 November 2021

ITMP invites applications for Postdoctoral Positions in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics starting in October 2022.

Applicants should have a PhD in physics  awarded before  October 2022. They  are expected to interact with members of the ITMP research group and other researchers associated with ITMP,  supervise  students, participate in research seminars, etc. The salary will be in the range of 130-160 thousand roubles (1600-1900 Euro) per month (after tax). Funding for research related expenses of 200-300 thousand roubles per year will also be available. ITMP provides relocation allowance, health insurance and administrative support. The position is offered for two years with possible extension for one more year. 

The application deadline is February 1, 2022.

The applicants should:

1) submit a list of publications, curriculum vitae and short research statement via .

2) arrange for  at least two recommendation letters submitted to the same site.

If you have any questions, please contact .

Contact: Mamontova, Olga (




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