Lomonosov Moscow State University

ITMP Seminar "Self-dual gravity and color/kinematics duality in AdS4"

ITMP Seminar
6 June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the next ITMP seminar will be held on Wednesday, Jun 7, 18:00 (Moscow time). It will be organised via Zoom.

Speaker: Dr. Arthur Lipstein, Durham University

Title: Self-dual gravity and color/kinematics duality in AdS4

Abstract: Self-dual gravity has provided a very fruitful setting for studying the mathematical structure of perturbative quantum gravity in asympotically flat background. For example, in lightcone gauge it can be described by very simple scalar theory which make various properties such as color/kinematics duality and the double copy manifest. In this talk I will describe how to generalise this description to AdS4 background. This implies an AdS4 version of the so-called kinematic algebra which can be lifted to a deformed version of the w_{infinity} algebra, which plays a prominent role in celestial holography.

If you want to join the seminar please register here before 16:00, June 7 here.

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