Sabir Ramazanov
Research interests
My main research focus in on the early Universe cosmology: models of dark matter, generation of primordial gravitational waves, phase transitions, formation of solitons, and aspects of inflationary theory. Processes, which could take place a few instants after the hot Big Bang, e.g., phase transitions and the related formation of topological defects, are often characterized by huge energies, inaccessible with Earth based facilities, and therefore their study is necessary for understanding physics beyond the Standard Model. Some of these processes lead to production of primordial gravitational waves, which have been the major subject of my investigations during the past few years. Furthermore, with colleagues I have proposed a novel mechanism of dark matter production based on the inverse phase transition of the second order, and predicted new types of objects in the early Universe: melting domain walls and cosmic strings composed of dark matter. It has been shown that the properties of gravitational waves emitted by melting domain walls are in a very good agreement with pulsar timing measurements obtained recently by NANOGrav, EPTA, PPTA, and CPTA collaborations.
Selected publications:
- S. Ramazanov, E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov, A. Vikman, "Beyond freeze-in: Dark matter via inverse phase transition and gravitational wave signal"; Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 6, 063530, [arXiv:2104.13722].
- E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov, S. Ramazanov, A. Vikman, "Gravitational shine of dark domain walls"; JCAP 04 (2022) 04, 028, [arXiv:2112.12608].
- S. Ramazanov, R. Samanta, G. Trenkler, F. Urban, "Shimmering gravitons in the gamma-ray sky"; JCAP 06 (2023) 019, [arXiv:2304.11222].
- E. Babichev, S. Ramazanov, A. Vikman, "Recovering P(X) from a canonical complex field"; JCAP 11 (2018) 023, [arXiv:1807.10281].
- S. Ramazanov, F. Arroja, M. Celoria, L. Pilo, S. Matarrese, "Living with ghosts in Horava-Lifshitz gravity"; JHEP 06 (2016) 020, [arXiv:1601.05405].
- S. Ramazanov, G. Rubtsov, "Constraining anisotropic models of the early Universe with WMAP9 data"; Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 4, 043517, [arXiv: 1311.3272].
Publications affiliated with ITMP:
- Dankovsky, I.; Ramazanov, S.; Babichev, E.; Gorbunov, D.; Vikman, A. (2024). "Numerical analysis of melting domain walls and their gravitational waves". arXiv: 2410.21971 [hep-ph].
- Dankovsky, I; Babichev, E.; Gorbunov, D.; Ramazanov, S.; Vikman, A. (2024). "Revisiting evolution of domain walls and their gravitational radiation with CosmoLattice". Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 09 (2024) 047. arXiv: 2406.17053 [astro-ph.CO]. doi: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/09/047.
physics and mathematics