Lomonosov Moscow State University


David Rivera Betancour


Research interests

My research interest lies in the gauge/gravity duality. This includes the renowned AdS/CFT correspondence and its extensions to Ricci-flat spacetimes. In the flat case, it has been proposed that asymptotically flat spacetimes are dual to Carrollian Conformal field theories in one lower dimension hosted at null infinity. These Carrollian field theories appear as the vanishing speed of light limit of relativistic field theories.

In these lines, I have been focused on Carrollian fluids and field theories, holographic reconstruction of Ricci-flat spacetimes in terms of Carrollian boundary data, and asymptotic symmetries and gravitational charges from a boundary perspective.


Selected publications:

  1. Olivera Mišković, Rodrigo Olea, P. Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour & Konstantinos Siampos. "Chern-Simons action and the Carrollian Cotton tensors". JHEP12(2023)130.
  2. Andrea Campoleoni, Arnaud Delfante, Simon Pekar, P. Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour & Matthieu Vilatte. "Flat from anti de Sitter". JHEP12(2023)078.
  3. Nehal Mittal, P. Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour & Matthieu Vilatte. "Ehlers, Carroll, charges and dual charges". JHEP07(2023)065.
  4. David Rivera-Betancour and Matthieu Vilatte. "Revisiting the Carrollian scalar field". PhysRevD.106.085004.
  5. Anastasios C. Petkou, P. Marios Petropoulos, David Rivera-Betancour & Konstantinos Siampos. "Relativistic fluids, hydrodynamic frames and their Galilean versus Carrollian avatars". JHEP09(2022)162.

Publications affiliated with ITMP:

  1. Arenas-Henriquez, G.; Diaz, F.; Rivera-Betancour, D. (2024). "Generalized Fefferman-Graham gauge and boundary Weyl structures"Journal of High Energy Physics. 02 (2025) 007. arXiv: 2411.12513 [hep-th]. doi: 10.1007/JHEP02(2025)007.

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