Ilya Bakhmatov
Research interests
My scientific interests revolve around supergravity and string theory symmetries and dualities. I have worked on fermionic T-duality and applying it to supergravity solutions that are important from the holographic point of view. Using the supergravity formulations that are T- and U-duality covariant, I have been studying properties of the ordinary and exotic branes. Main research topics at present are the Yang-Baxter deformations of string sigma-models in the supergravity language, and their possible generalisations for M-theory.
Selected publications:
- I. Bakhmatov, N.S. Deger, E.T. Musaev, E. Ó Colgáin, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Tri-vector deformations in d=11 supergravity, JHEP 1908 (2019) 126, arXiv:1906.09052 [hep-th]
- I. Bakhmatov, Ö. Kelekci, E. Ó Colgáin, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Classical Yang-Baxter Equation from Supergravity, Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.2, 021901, arXiv:1710.06784 [hep-th].
- I. Bakhmatov, A. Kleinschmidt, E.T. Musaev, Non-geometric branes are DFT monopoles, JHEP 1610 (2016) 076, arXiv:1607.05450 [hep-th].
- I. Bakhmatov, On AdS_4 x CP^3 T-duality, Nucl.Phys. B847 (2011) 38-53, arXiv:1011.0985 [hep-th].
- I. Bakhmatov, D.S. Berman, Exploring Fermionic T-duality, Nucl.Phys. B832 (2010) 89-108, arXiv:0912.3657 [hep-th].
Publications affiliated with ITMP:
- Bakhmatov, I.; Catal-Ozer, A.; Deger, N.S.; Gubarev, K.; Musaev, E.T. (2022). "Generalizing eleven-dimensional supergravity". arXiv: 2203.03372 [hep-th]. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.L081904.
- Bakhmatov, I.; Çatal-Özer, A.; Deger N.S.; Gubarev, K.; Musaev, E.T. (2022). "Generalized 11D supergravity equations from tri-vector deformations". arXiv: 2209.01423 [hep-th]. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-11163-6.
- Astrakhantsev, L.; Bakhmatov, I.; Musaev, E.T. (2022). "Fermionic T-duality of DFT". Physical Review D. 107 (2023) 6, 066028. arXiv: 2212.09312 [hep-th]. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.066028.
- Astrakhantsev, L.; Bakhmatov, I.; Musaev, E. T. (2021). "Non-abelian fermionic T-duality in supergravity". arXiv: 2101.08206 [hep-th]. doi: 10.1007/JHEP09(2021)135.
physics and mathematics