Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD Student

“BASIS” Foundation announces a call for applications for the individual grants “PhD Student”

Aim of the competition is to support talented PhD students and researchers without PhD degree performing theoretical research in fundamental physics

Participants requirements:
  • Not above 29 years old (as of the 1st of January, 2017);
  • Master degree or Diploma of Higher Education/student of the last year of Master degree program or equivalent with expected date of graduation not later than September 1, 2017;
  • Specialization: theoretical physics;
  • No less than 1 publication in international or Russian journals (within the period from the 1st of January 2015 to the application submission) if Master degree or Diploma of Higher Education was awarded after the 5th of April 2016 or is expected in 2017; 
  • No less than 1 publication in international journals with the impact factor above 1 or Russian journals with the impact factor above 0.5 (within the period from the 1st of January 2015 to the application submission) if Master degree or Diploma of Higher Education was awarded before the 5th of April 2016.

Individual grant amount is 25,000 RUB per month.

The scholarship is awarded for the total period of up to 4 years. The exact duration is decided by the Board of experts. Individual grant is to be extended for each consequent year provided  the annual report is approved by the Board of experts. The planned starting date of the project is July 1st, 2017.

Application should include: 
  • The application form filled in Russian language. The form can be downloaded (in Word or Latex format) in “Application form” section.
  • Recommendation letter written by scientific advisor of the applicant and 1 or 2 recommendation letters from other experts (Russian or foreign) in the research field of the applicant. Each letter should contain contact information of the author, competition title and full name of the applicant. 
Selection criteria: 
  • Proposed research project complies with the applicant's expertise and competition subject (theoretical research in fundamental physics);
  • Scientific achievements of the applicant;
  • Scientific relevance, originality and potential impact of the proposed research project;

In 2017 “BASIS” Foundation plans to support about 12 “PhD Student” grant applications.

Submission procedure:
  • Application should be submitted by 23.59 (Moscow time) April 10, 2017 electronically (as pdf file) to (subject: “PhD Student”)
  • Printed copy of application signed by the applicant have to be send not later than 18.00 (Moscow time) April 25, 2017 to Foundation address (Building 23, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, 36, 121170 Moscow). The cover should contain competition title and the full name of the applicant. 
  • Recommendation letters should be submitted to the Foundation electronically to  by April 15. The letters should be sent directly by the authors with the subject containing Name and Surname of the applicant written in English.

List of the selected applications will be published on Foundation's web-site by July 1, 2017.


More detailed information about grant competition “PhD Student” requirements can be found in the competition documentation.