Lomonosov Moscow State University


The Foundation “BASIS” announces a call for applications for the grant competition “Leader”. These grants are aimed to support leading scientists along with the gifted young researchers, conducting theoretical research in the field of fundamental physics.


The aims of the call:
  • Offer an opportunity for talented young scientists to pursue their research under the supervision of leading scientists, performing at the highest international level;
  • Support key scientists and give them an opportunity to involve young researchers into their research activity;
  • Contribute to the development of the existing research teams of the internationally competitive level as well as the emergence of the new ones.
Research group requirements:

Within the competition the support can be granted to the research groups, consisting of the leading scientist and young researchers working under his/her supervision, including: researchers with PhD degree, PhD-students, young researchers without PhD degree, and senior students.

The minimum number of young participants of the scientific group – 2 persons, the maximum – 4 persons, which includes not more than 1 researcher with PhD degree, not more than 2 PhD-students or young researchers without PhD degree, and not more than 3 students.



Participants requirements:
  • The head of the group: not above 65 years old (as of the 1st of January, 2017); higher doctoral degree; conducting research in theoretical physics; no less than 11 publications in the international journals with the impact factor above 1 or Russian journals with the impact factor above 0.5 (within the period from the 1st of January 2010 to the application submission).
  • Young scientists with PhD degree: not above 33 years old (as of the 1st of January, 2017); PhD degree (with the PhD defense date not sooner than the 1st of January, 2014); specialization in theoretical physics; no less than 3 publications in the international journals with the impact factor above 1 or Russian journals with the impact factor above 0.5 (within the period from the 1st of January 2014 to the application submission).
  • PhD-students or young scientists without PhD degree: not above 30 years old (as of the 1st of January, 2017); Master’s degree or equivalent; specialization in theoretical physics;

- no less than 1 publication in the peer-reviewed journal (within the period from the 1st of January 2015 to the application submission) – in the case of Master degree or equivalent was received not sooner than the 5th of April, 2016.
- no less than 1 publication in the international journal with the impact factor above 1 or Russian journals with the impact factor above 0.5 (within the period from the 1st of January 2015 to the application submission) in the case of Master degree or or equivalent was received before the 5th of April, 2016)

Students: not above 26 years old (as of the 1st of January, 2017); master student or 4th year bachelor student or equivalent; specialization in theoretical physics or related field.

Selection criteria:
  • Proposed research project and group leader expertise complies with the competition subject (theoretical research in fundamental physics);
  • Outstanding scientific achievements of the group leader;
  • Scientific relevance, originality and potential impact of the proposed research project;
  • Expediency of the involvement of young participants to the research project;
  • Existing experience of the leader and the group in the proposed research area.

Funding Provisions for scientific group participants are the following:

  • 50 000 RUB (around $900) per month for the group leader;
  • 35 000 RUB (around $650) per month for young participants with PhD degree;
  • 25 000 RUB (around $450) per month for PhD students and young scientists;
  • 15 000 RUB (around $300) per month for students.

Individual grant for the head of the group is allocated for the period of 3 years, for the young researches – for the period of their participation in the project confirmed by the head of the group.

In 2017 «BASIS» Foundation is planning to support about 10 Leader's grant applications.

Application Process:

The full application on behalf of the scientific group must be submitted by the head of the group. The full application includes Application of a head of the group and Application-agreements of each of the young participant. All applications should be submitted in Russian and in English.  Forms for filling the Russian and English version of the application are available in Word or Latex formats on the Fund's website in the sections "Application form for the leader" and "Application form for the young participant".

Submission procedure:
  • Full application should be submitted by 23.59 (Moscow time) April, 5, 2017 electronically (as pdf file) to (subject: “Leader”).
  • Printed copy of application signed by each participant of the group have to be send to the Foundation address (Building 23, Kutuzovskiy prospect, 36, 121170 Moscow) not later than 18.00 (Moscow time) April, 20, 2017.

List of the selected applications will be published on Foundation's web-site by the 1st of July, 2017.

More detailed information about grant competition requirements can be found at competition documentation.