Институт теоретической и математической физики

МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова

Space-time, Geometry and Black Holes


Для студентов 4-5 курсов | Recommended for 4th-5th year students

Расписание | Timetable: четверг 17:05-18:40, ауд. Г-708, ИТМФ, Ломоносовский корпус МГУ, 7 этаж, блок Г | Thursday 17:05-18:40, room G-708, ITMP, Lomonosovsky Bld. MSU, floor 7, block G

Первое занятие | First lecture: 08 февраля 2024 г. | February 8th, 2024

Abstract: In these lectures we first give an introduction to General Relativity and then discuss the solutions to equations of the General Relativity that are known as black holes. The focus is made on those aspects of the physics of black holes that can be proved mathematically.

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План курса

Main topics:

  • The general covariance principle and the Einstein equations.
  • Black hole as a solution to the Einstein equations.
  • Tidal forces when falling into a black hole.
  • Shadow of a black hole.
  • Israel’s theorem on uniqueness of black holes.
  • Rotating black holes.
  • Black hole thermodynamics.




  1. Robert M. Wald. General Relativity. — University of Chicago Press, 1984
  2. Valeri P. Frolov and Igor D. Novikov. Black hole Physics. – Springer, 1998
  3. S. Chandrasekhar. The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes. – Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1998.

4 курс
5 и старше

