Time/Day |
June 10 |
June 11 |
June 12 |
09:15-09:30 |
Registration |
09:30-10:00 |
Opening remarks |
10:00-10:45 |
G. Arutyunov |
A. Belavin |
V. Kazakov |
10:50-11:35 |
D. Kazakov |
M. Shifman |
A. Sever |
11:35-11:55 |
11:55-12:40 |
G. Barnich |
V. Mukhanov |
I. Arefieva |
12:45-13:30 |
N. Gromov |
M. Shaposhnikov |
S. Dubovsky |
13:30-15:30 |
15:30-16:15 |
A. Zhiboedov |
Excursion (start at 15:00) |
A. Gorsky |
16:20-17:05 |
N. Nekrasov |
S. Sibiryakov |
K. Zarembo |
17:05-17:25 |
17:30-18:15 |
Review Lecture: M. Shifman |
A. Dymarsky |
G.Korchemsky |
18:15-19:00 | |||
19:00-21:00 |
Reception |
Banquet |
JUNE 10 |
09:15-09:30 |
09:30-10:00 |
10:00-10:45 |
Hamburg University, Germany "Hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider model from Poisson reduction" abstract
We derive the Hamiltonian structure of the N-particle hyperbolic spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider model. This is done by applying the Poisson reduction to an initial phase space being the direct product of the Heisenberg double of a factorisable Lie group with another Poisson manifold that is a certain deformation of the standard canonical relations for Nℓ conjugate pairs of dynamical variables. We show that the model enjoys the Poisson-Lie symmetry of the spin group which explains its superintegrability. Our results are obtained in the formalism of the classical r-matrix and they confirm the recent findings on the Hamiltonian structure of the model established in a different framework of the quasi-Hamiltonian reduction applied to a non-Poisson manifold.
10:50-11:35 |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia "RG Equation and High Energy Behaviour in Non-Renormalizable Theories" |
11:35-11:55 |
11:55-12:40 |
Free University of Brussels, Belgium "Charged black body radiation" abstract
The semiclassical contribution to the partition function is obtained by evaluating the Euclidean action improved through suitable boundary terms. We address the question of which degrees of freedom are responsible for this contribution. A physical toy model for the gravitational problem is a charged vacuum capacitor. For a planar charged vacuum capacitor with perfectly conducting plates, we identify the degrees of freedom that, in the quantum theory, give rise to additional contributions to the standard blackbody result proportional to the area of the plates and that allow for a microscopic derivation of the thermodynamics of the charged capacitor.
Based on: Phys. Rev. D 99, 026007, 2019, https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.00549 |
12:45-13:30 |
King's College London, UK "Derivation of the Holographic Dual of 4D CFT Fishnet model" abstract
We present the first-principle derivation of a weak-strong duality between the fishnet theory in four dimensions and a discretized string-like model living in five dimensions. At strong coupling, the dual description becomes classical and we demonstrate explicitly the classical integrability of the model. We test our results by reproducing the strong coupling limit of the 4-point correlator computed before non-perturbatively from the conformal partial wave expansion. Due to the extreme simplicity of our model, it could provide an ideal playground for holography with no super-symmetry. Furthermore, since the fishnet model and N=4 SYM theory are continuously linked our consideration could shed light on the derivation of AdS/CFT for the latter. I will also comment on mo rerecent unpublishedr esults.
13:30-15:30 |
15:30-16:15 |
CERN, Switzerland "Light-rays, shocks, strings" |
16:20-17:05 |
Stony Brook University, New York, USA "Magnificent Four with Colors, and Beyond Eleven" abstract
We introduce the three-dimensional generalizations of dimer models. Our models arise, via supersymmetric localization, in the studies of mysterious D8 branes of IIA string theory. We present a conjectural formula for the partition function of our model and discuss its connection to Witten index of eleven dimensional supergravity. Based on the joint works with A.Okounkov and N.Piazzalunga.
17:05-17:25 |
17:30-19:00 |
REVIEW LECTURE "The Second Life of Quantum Field Theory" by MIKHAIL SHIFMAN The University of Minnesota |
19:00-21:00 |
JUNE 11 |
10:00-10:45 |
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of RAS, Moscow, Russia "JKLMR conjecture and Batyrev’s polytopes" abstract
The JKLMR hypothesis suggests a relationship between the exact expression for the Partition functions of the Witten gauge linear sigma model (GLSM) on a two-dimensional sphere, calculated by supersymmetric localization, and Special Kähler geometry on the moduli space Calabi-Yau varieties, with this GLSM related. Knowledge of this geometry is necessary to determine the Lagrangian of the Effective field theory, arising in the theory of Superstrings with compactification on a given Calabi-Yau variety. I will talk about how using mirror symmetry and Batyrevpolyhedra for establishing the above match exactly.
10:50-11:35 |
The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA "Quantizing solitonic strings" abstract
Certain supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions support topologically stable solitons of codimension 2 –– vortex strings. These strings are characterized by a number of moduli beyond translational and are referred to as “non-Abelian.” Unlike the textbook infinitely thin strings their thickness is finite. We address the question whether some of the vortex strings made of “flesh and blood” can become critical and how they could be quantized.
11:35-11:55 |
11:55-12:40 |
Munich Quantum Center, Munich, Germany "Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Quanta of Geometry" |
12:45-13:30 |
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland "Conformal symmetry: towards the link between the Fermi and the Planck scales" abstract
If the mass of the Higgs boson is put to zero, the classical Lagrangian of the Standard Model becomes conformally invariant. I will discuss a way this symmetry can be broken to lead to the observed hierarchy between the Fermi and the Planck scales.
13:30-15:00 |
15:00-16:15 |
16:20-17:05 |
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland "Renormalizable quantum gravity with anisotropic scaling" abstract
It is known to be notoriously hard to reconcile the principles of general relativity with those of quantum mechanics. An eventual ultraviolet completion of general relativity will likely require sacrificing some of these principles. In my talk I will focus on the class of theories where the abandoned property is local Lorentz invariance, replaced by an approximate anisotropic scaling symmetry in deep ultraviolet. At low energies these theories reduce to a special type of tensor - scalar gravity. I will review the progress in understanding their quantum properties. Namely, I will show that along these lines one can construct renormalizable gravitational theories in any number of spacetime dimensions. The study of a (2+1) dimensional model reveals its asymptotic freedom and suggests that this property may be generic for gravity with anisotropic scaling. I will also report preliminary calculations of renormalisation group flow in (3+1) theory that support this expectation. Relevance of these results for gravity in the real world will be discussed.
17:05-17:25 |
17:30-18:15 |
University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia "Quantum KdV hierarchy in 2d CFTs" abstract
Infinite-dimensional conformal symmetry in two dimensions renders conformal field theories integrable with an infinite hierarchy of quantum KdV charges being in involution. These charges play crucial role organizing Virasoro descendant states
within each Verma module and in this way constrain dynamics of 2d theories. KdV hierarchy also provides correct formulation for Eigenstate Thermalization in 2d CFTs. After outlining the relation between KdV and thermalization, I will discuss an ongoing progress of calculating spectrum of quantum KdV charges and generalized partition function of two dimensional theories in the limit of large central charge.
JUNE 12 |
10:00-10:45 |
École normale supérieure, Paris, France "Conformal "Fishnet" Theory - a Sоlvable D-dimensional Quantum Field Theory" abstract
Fishnet conformal filed theory (FCFT) in 4D was proposed in 2015 by O.Gurdogan and myself as a specific, double scaling limit of the maximally supersymmetric, gamma-deformed super Yang-Mills theory. The FCFT inherits the planar integrability of N=4 SYM but has a much simpler planar graph content and no supersymmetry. The simplest version of FCFT contains only two interacting complex scalar fields, and its typical Feynman graphs are of the regular square lattice shape. The latter have been introduced by A.Zamolodchikov in 1980 as an example of solvable statistical-mechanical model of non-compact spins on 4D conformal group. The FCFT appears to be a remarkable tool for computations of non-trivial Feynman graphs of that type. This integrable FCFT can be generalized to any dimension D. I will briefly present the basics of FCFT integrability and review recent exact all-loop results for various physical quantities: 4-point correlators, anomalous dimensions of "wheel" and "spiral" operators, scalar amplitudes etc. The FCFT has some exotic features: it is a non-unitarity, logarithmic CFT. Nevertheless, it presents a unique opportunity for insights into non-perturbative, non-supersymmetric conformal physics at any dimension, including the spontaneous confromal symmetry breaking.
10:50-11:35 |
CERN, Switzerland; Tel Aviv University, Israel "A paradise for planar holography" |
11:35-11:55 |
11:55-12:40 |
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia "Thermalization: from SYK via random matrices to QGP" |
New York University, USA "Infinite Statistics and Integrability on the String Worldsheet" abstract
I will present a status report for the study of confining strings. First, I will focus on confining strings in massive adjoint two-dimensional QCD, where analytical progress is most straightforward to achieve. These theories provide an interesting example of interacting relativistic models with infinite (quantum Boltzman) statistics and give rise to a very simple (and apparently novel) example of an integrable relativistic many body system. Then I will describe lessons learnt from this exercise for confining strings in higher dimensions and discuss relations between confining strings, 2d gravity and TˉT deformation.
13:30-15:30 |
15:30-16:15 |
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia "Holography, random networks and walks in the Hilbert space" |
16:20-17:05 |
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm "N=2* holography" |
17:05-17:25 |
17:30-18:15 |
Institut de physique théorique, University of Paris-Saclay, France |