21 February - 26 February
Отборочный этап Универсиады «Ломоносов» по математике и механике
Регистрация с 20 января по 20 февраля
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the next ITMP seminar will be held on Wednesday, Oct 6, at 18:00 (Moscow time). We will try to arrange it in the hybrid format. This means that the talk will take place in ITMP, room G-725 while it will also be possible to participate online via Zoom.
Speaker: Victor Gorbenko, Stanford University
Title: Non-perturbative gravitational effects in cosmology.
Abstract: I will start with reviewing some recent progress in understanding the black hole evaporation with the help of gravitational path integral methods. It turns out that for certain observables, for example the so-called Page curve for the BH entropy, higher-topology saddle points of the gravitational path integral produce important and calculable contributions. I will then discuss potential applications of similar ideas in cosmology and when such non-perturbative effects may be relevant. Then, I will demonstrate a concrete calculation in a simple toy-model, where a bra-ket wormhole, that is a connection between the bra and the ket of the wave function of the universe arises.
If you want to join the seminar please register here before 14:00, October 6.
If you would like to subscribe to newsletters about ITMP seminars, please, contact seminar@itmp.msu.ru
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