27 January - 4 February
Зимняя школа ИТМФ для студентов 2-4 курсов
Заявки принимаются до 25 декабря 2024 года
Speaker: Prof. Sameer Murthy, King's College London
Title: Strings in AdS3, boundary currents, and the Schwarzian
Abstract: Near-extremal black holes have a set of nearly gapless modes in their spectrum called the Schwarzian modes. For black holes in AdS3, these modes are related, in a non-trivial manner using modular transformation, to the asymptotic symmetries of the spacetime which generate the boundary Virasoro currents. I will discuss the appearance of these modes in the one-loop partition function of string theory on AdS3 with NSNS flux. I will then discuss the generalization to superstring theory, with N=4 superconformal currents. Apart from the application to near-extremal black holes, I will show how the analysis also clarifies some aspects of the AdS3/CFT2 duality. In particular, we can deduce which bulk gauge fields lead to boundary currents.
If you want to join the seminar please register here before 18:00, December 4 here.
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