21 February - 26 February
Отборочный этап Универсиады «Ломоносов» по математике и механике
Регистрация с 20 января по 20 февраля
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the next ITMP seminar will be held on Wednesday, Jun 9, at 18:00 (Moscow time). The seminar will be arranged via Zoom. Please, find below the seminar information as well as information required for joining the meeting via Zoom.
Speaker: Kristiansen Lara, University of Santiago, Chile
Title: Integrable Systems and Spacetime Dynamics
Abstract: It is shown that the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) integrable hierarchy can be obtained as the dynamical equations of three-dimensional General Relativity with a negative cosmological constant. This geometrization of AKNS system is possible through the construction of novel boundary conditions for the gravitational field. These are invariant under an asymptotic symmetry group characterized by an infinite set of AKNS commuting conserved charges. Gravitational configurations are studied by means of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ conjugacy classes. Conical singularities and black hole solutions are included in the boundary conditions. Based on https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.09676
If you want to join the seminar please register here before 14:00, June 9.
If you would like to subscribe to newsletters about ITMP seminars, please, contact seminar@itmp.msu.ru
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