21 February - 26 February
Отборочный этап Универсиады «Ломоносов» по математике и механике
Регистрация с 20 января по 20 февраля
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the next ITMP seminar will be held on Wednesday, October 07, at 18:00. The seminar will be arranged via Zoom.
Speaker: Ariel Arza, ITMP
Title: Production of massive particles from the decay of a free massless field
Abstract: In this talk we will show, in a simple toy model (H=g\phi\chi^2), how Bose enhancement allows the decay of a massless field into massive particles. It happens due to a parametric resonance caused by a big energy density of the decaying field. I will show the instability conditions as well as the energy density threshold for the decay to occur. I will also compute the equivalent of the spontaneous decay rate.
If you want to join the seminar please register here before 14:00, October 07.
If you would like to subscribe to newsletters about ITMP seminars, please, contact seminar@itmp.msu.ru
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